"Let the love wins, Don't be a Hater"
Love is love, can raise for any sex,any soul,
Not always, attraction arise between dipole;
Anyone can love anyone they desire,
It's not about gender it's about that loving fire;
But people set some criteria about sexuality,
Which creates dysphoria in transgender's mentality;
They judge on them,
Have grudge on them
They see them with an eye of brutality,
And not understand their different carnality
But there is no need to feel shy about your, personality
And no need to feel ashamed if you come from different sexuality;
You are people, people are us
We have to change,we have to focus
Focus on being human,not a discriminator
Let the love wins, Don't be a hater....!
Written by: Anushka Singh
Instagram Handle : @anushhka_03
Too good
Very nice