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After Dusk- To the rhythm of crimson love by Samyukta Kumar

I'm Samyukta Kumar, a published author, storyteller and poet. A little to know about me is that I have been writing since as long as i can remember and the world of writing is where I would want to be. My areas of writing would include poetry, short stories, fiction and non-fiction  and taboo. I believe there are no boundaries to express one's thoughts and hence I follow.

My first work was published in an anthology in 2019 and that pushed me to bring out my novella, 'After Dusk'. It is the depiction of a series of stories conveying the bond between two people and their friendship of four that was formed during an internship and how they found one another to be compassionate, understanding and accepting of the others' flaws. Sheeya, who lives through Early Onset Retinal Dystrophy is led by Sanketh to her true self that she never envisioned.

Do they fall in love?

What happens to the four of them by the end of the story?

To know more, grab your copies at the earliest as 'After Dusk' is now available on various platforms such as Kobo, Books club, Amazon, Flipkart, Kindle and so on!

Click on the link below to buy your copy.

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