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Editor: Dr. Pinki Chugh

Publisher: Spectrum Of Thoughts

Affiliated by Fanatixx

“An Insight into the LGBTQ+ Community and their Literature” has discussed a comprehensive overview of various aspects of the LGBTQ+ community. Our society is full of different types of people and different types of love, but we’re still far behind when it comes to our knowledge of the various types of love that prevails; sometimes with acceptance and sometimes breaking the shackles of the societal customs. Who made these customs? Who decided the wrong and the right? And who gave them the right to decide? These all questions hover in our minds when we come across the maltreatment of the LGBTQ+ Community in the hands of the straight. Our literature is full of such writers and characters who belong to this community. Every voice of these communities ( Hijra) should raise their voice and stand for their right. The right fighters are present in this book. It aimed to bring to the front, such opinions and ideologies which represent a different scenario and through this article, we will try to get a deeper insight into the rainbow of LGBTQ+ community and their literature. ”

Imagine having a secret, A secret so terrible that if you were to reveal it, your family would disown you, your neighbors will say you are diseased, and everywhere would accuse you of being in violation of not only society's rules, but nature itself.

Now imagine there is a way out. What if you could tell someone this secret? What if no one judged you when you did this?

What if people heard your great secret and still accepted you as a normal, as an equal, and respected you for who you were despite this secret.

For the million homosexual people of India, the fight over Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code is about the difference between two words. It's about respect. It's a fight to be recognized as normal as well as a fight to be allowed to live and love without the State watching and judging.

In recent times, there has been a lot of discussion about how the role of the Government should be limited to governing instead of telling how to live their lives.

Section 377 is a legal provision that allows authorities to interfere with the way of an Indian Citizen lives his or her life. By saying that people of the LGBT community are somehow against society a d the order of nature, Section 377 makes it legal for them to be treated differently by the law and the society.

The clause , which is part of the remains of an archaic British legal code, has been an endless source of grief for the LGBT community in India. Because of it, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual people are effectively labelled criminals and as a result of it, face many difficulties when they are in need of legal assistance or social support.

For the rest of us no matter who we are, this fight should matter. When ones individual' s freedom is violated, everyone's rights are threatened. If we allow the state to be discriminate against citizens on the basis of the sexual orientation, we are basically paying the path for the state to discriminate on other fronts too.

LGBT rights are everyone's rights.

Laxmi Narayan Tripathi Autobiography:

In the recent past, the literature dealing with the third gender has come to occupy a significant place in the world of literature and has attracted an interest that is wide spread. Laxmi Narayan Tripathi has carved an iconic niche for herself in the contemporary Indian scene, finding her literary Inspiration in the sufferings and Struggles of the third gender .The readers of the atrocities Committed on a section of the society for Ages. Her autobiography “Me Hijra Me Laxmi is the voiced articulation of the third gender in contemporary Indian Society.

“ I alone being respected to percolate down to the lowest of the low among the Hijaras, so that they we were all treated on par.”

Me Hijra, Me Laxmi serves as an educational narrative about the lives and paradigms of the Hijra community”. Laxmi becomes the first transgender person to hold a passport in India and the first transgender person to represent the Asia Pacific at The United Nations for her community and India on several international platforms including speaking at the World AIDS conference on “Hijras And their problems”,

Laxmi is granted diplomatic status to represent India at the UN in New York, she feels national Pride: “I was no longer just Laxmi, the Hijra; I was India” even she was also Awarded ‘Indian of the Year 2017’.In September 2018 the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India made a ruling Which was favorable to the LGBT community regarding section 377 of the IPC. In the context of that ruling,

In Me Hijra… Me Laxmi! Laxmi Narayan Tripathi registers her protest against the passive role of the Hijra community as a third gender. She advocates self-identification and condemns the treatment meted out toHijrass. Laxmi has been strikingly different from many contemporary Novelists in the sense that She herself asthe Protagonist is neither asuperhumann Being nor a helpless victim of patriarchal societyy. In the soul bearing Autobiography Laxmi protests through her art of dancing, writing and activism to open an eye into the dark world of the Hijra.

LGBTQ + Community and Challenges in homosexuality

Gore Vidal once said,The important thing is not the object of Love but the emotion itself.”

The story revolves around the character Lest at de Lion court, the 1976 character who is basically a French nobleman who later turned into a vampire in the 18th century. His autobiography is written in the second novel of this series and his sexual identity is hence developed to be bisexual who has both male and female love interests as both a vampire and a mortal. He actually gets more inclined towards that person whosoever most interests him at a particular point in time. This character struggles with the questions of his existence in the Universe and is philanthropic in nature. Few such references from the book which describe the LGBTQ character of Lest at de Lion court Are as follows:“…We were at that moment of drunkenness that the two of us Had come to call the Golden Moment when everything made sense. We always tried to stretch out that moment, and then inevitably one of us would confess,” I can’t follow anymore, I think the Golden Moment’s passed…”“…I was still sitting there, too unsure of myself to say anything when Nicolas Kissed me. ‘Let’s go to bed,’ he said softly.”

These lines and the passionate love about them is amazing. They have the right to choose their life partner in spite of their sex and community.

The workplace should ensure a psychologically and physically safe space for everyone. But what if it does not feel like a safe place or even worse,

What if your whole existence is questioned there? This is close to what many of the LGBT+ members undergo and experience. This ranges from all sorts of discriminative behaviors; to getting treated as a woman If you’re gay, denied promotions or even getting fired just because of how one identifies themselves. This brings into play the minority stress theory which becomes more prominent if you’re a person of color on top of being gay, this causes internal trauma forcing LGBT people to adapt to things they do not want to such as dressing up their voices or wearing certain colors to work or ensuring no slipup in any aspect of their job. Other than jobs: choosing the ‘right’ store to buy Groceries or ‘appropriate’ transport make gay people cave. This is not just the case with workplaces but also in schools, colleges, neighborhoods, and Spiritual institutions where the discrimination does not let you “fit in.”

The Laws and Solutions to curb the discrimination

This book basically worked, to curb the myths, prohibit gender inequality, and also to bring the LGBTQ+ community rights, They also should be treated individually with respect and privacy.

They have rights such as:

Article 14 - Right to Equality, The test of Intelligible Differentia and Rational Nexus

Article 15 – Prohibition of Discrimination on the Ground of Sex _ Biological Sex and Sexual Orientation

Article 19 – Freedom of Speech and Expression, Freedom to express Personal and Gender Identity

Article 21 of the Indian Constitution : Right to Life and Liberty with Dignity – The Privacy Attribute

The Supreme Court of India approved consented homosexual sex on September 6, 2018. Segment 377 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC),which dates back to 1861, declares sexual acts “against the request of nature” to be unlawful and punishable by death. On December 2002, The Naz Foundation filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Delhi High Court to challenge IPC Section 377. On July 4, 2008, the Delhi High Court observed “the same old thing” in hosting a gay convention, which is customary outside of India. We declare that Section 377 of the IPC, inasmuch as it outlaws Consensual sexual demonstrations by adults in private, violates Articles 21, 14, and 15 of the Constitution. Section 377 of the IPC will continue to govern non-consensual penile non-vaginal intercourse and penile non-vaginal sex with children. Furthermore, we stress that our decision will not result in the re-opening of criminal matters, including those under Section 377 of the IPC, that have already been closed and finality was successfully attained.

Suggestion and Conclusion

I suggest personally this book can create a huge impact as it has stopped all the stereotypes of homosexuality and gained a gender right. It can help a researcher or upcoming Scholars to have a great source of reference I’m regarding the LGBTQ + community. A handful of motivation and inspiration it basically drafts and imbibe a positive outlook toward gender inequality. This book also avails the sufferings of the homosexual people created history in India. And on the same hand, all the queer people also need to stand up and give their very best to this movement. It’s important that as we try to fix the deep-rooted problems of society, we also give rise to the better generation who are well aware of how humans, no matter what sexual orientation they belong to, deserve an equal amount of respect.

“Lesbians are routinely assaulted by town surgeons and babas in order to rid them of their homosexuality. Refusing to marry leads to more physical abuse. Family recognition stories that you see on TV and in other media are more of a metropolitan oddity.”

This quote brings the suffering of lesbians as it leads to physical abuse. And also if the individuals are treated equally they can be get affected by Mental Health illnesses, which in turn can be harmful to their existence.

So it’s our duty to create a positive impact on these issues by solving and giving them rights by marking reserved by the constitution and amendment of the articles so that they can live their life with happiness and freedom.

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